定位信息 & 日程安排
I speak for the entire 澳门线上博彩公司官网 Community in saying that we are 很高兴你能来学校! 迎新会是一个很好的交流机会 与大学的各个部门合作. 富兰克林·皮尔斯现在是你的家. 澳门线上真人博彩公司把 a comprehensive experience intended to connect you with peers, provide important information, 并帮助发展对社区的理解. 请利用这段时间与澳门线上真人博彩公司分享, 获得洞察力,并参与乌鸦之国.
We look forward to working with you throughout your Franklin Pierce Experience!
(603) 899-4383
秋季新生报到时间表(住宿) & 通勤者)
Map | 打印时间表
9 a.m. – 12 p.m. 新宿舍和转学生入住
- 新新学生报到 四个角落
(Intersection of Mountain Road/University Drive, adjacent to DiGregorio Hall) - 免下车宿舍 & 〇健康登记 花岗岩停车场
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. 通勤学生抵达
- 新生报到- 四个角落
(Intersection of Mountain Road/University Drive, adjacent to DiGregorio Hall) - 免下车健康服务登记 花岗岩停车场
9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 可用资源表
- 一般信息、咨询 & 资讯科技人员支援- 第一年区庭院
- 书店/网上教科书预订领取 书店后面,艾米丽·弗林特校园中心
- 邮局钥匙及包裹领取服务 邮局,艾米莉·弗林特校园中心
- 学生就业程序- 先锋休息室,艾米丽弗林特校园中心
- 学生照片身份证照片/车辆登记 先锋休息室,艾米丽弗林特校园中心
- 〇乌鸦信用卡存款 学生金融服务,科尔斯大厅
11:30 a.m. 主席先生的欢迎辞. 彼得伊甸园 – 迎新帐篷-柴郡球场
Hear from 彼得·伊登总统 as he welcomes the Class of 2028 and their families
12 - 1 p.m. 在柴郡球场吃午饭 迎新帐篷-柴郡球场
1:15 - 1:45 p.m. 家长 & 〇家庭会议 迎新帐篷-柴郡球场
Derek Scalia, Director of the Student 成功 Center, will offer insight into the
1:15 - 1:45 p.m. 学生会话 & 2028届学生合影 – 彼得森庄园草坪
Join the Student Engagement and 乌鸦娱乐 Staff for a Class of 2028 photo,
2 p.m. 家长 & 〇家人告别 迎新帐篷-柴郡球场
It’s time to part ways for now, but remember, Fall Festival is right around the corner
2:15 - 3:30 p.m. 见见你的乌鸦同伴 & 同业小组会议- 迎新帐篷-柴郡球场
During this time, we will cover introductions, the Role of the Peer Leader for 取向
and FYI Classes, and provide an overview of how to use the Raven Nation App. 你会
also learn more about the 取向 Schedule, Frequently Asked Questions, Raven
3:30 - 4:15 p.m. 〇国际学生会议 图书馆四楼学生成功中心
Coordinator of International Students, Hope Driscoll, will meet with International
3:30 - 4:15 p.m. 通勤学生会议- 先锋休息室,艾米丽弗林特校园中心
Commuter students will join 学生活动总监 and 乌鸦娱乐, Doug
Carty, for an overview of commuter student life at 澳门线上博彩公司官网.
5 - 6:30 p.m. 晚餐, 市场咖啡馆,艾米丽弗林特校园中心
7 - 8 p.m. 住宅楼层会议- 学生宿舍
满足 your Community Assistant, Residence Directors and new neighbors. 问问题,
8 - 9:30 p.m. 公平联盟- - - - - - Melissa Bisaccia垒球场
准备好去见你的新朋友吧! 公平是一个专业组织,
high-energy performance where the students are the stars of the show!
9:30 p.m. 可选活动
Stop by the North Fields Activity Center “The Bubble” until 11 p.m. 或玩海滩
Volleyball under the lights, across from Mountain View 学生宿舍.
7:15 - 10:00 a.m. 早餐 – 市场咖啡馆,艾米丽弗林特校园中心
8 - 10 a.m. 选择你的冒险
- Take the Shuttle to Walmart Shuttle: Pick up in Granite Courtyard
- 联合基督教会班车:Jaffrey, NH 10a.m. 服务
(班车将于上午9:40从花岗岩庭院出发.m.) - 欣赏湖滨公园的船屋
- Take a guided short trail hike: Venture into the wild side of campus for a short trail
循环. Please wear appropriate closed-toed shoes and bring a bottle of water. 满足
(Intersection of Mountain Road/University Drive, adjacent to DiGregorio Hall) - Play Lawn Games (Corn Hole, Kan Jam, Spikeball and Giant Jenga) on the Academic Triangle
- 北田活动中心(泡泡)上午9点开放.m. 下来,学习澳门线上真人博彩公司的政策,
11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.:午餐- 市场咖啡馆,艾米丽弗林特校园中心
12:40 p.m. 主讲人,John Massaro '18 – 柴郡球场迎新帐篷
John Massaro, former FPU Lacrosse Captain, Peer Leader and Club President, speaks
1 p.m. 享受生活! 社区参与 – 柴郡球场迎新帐篷
What every student needs to know about 大学 success and community engagement.
2:15 p.m. 住房,行为,咨询 & 健康 - 柴郡球场迎新帐篷
Director of Residential Life and Community Standards, Heather Ventresco, and Director
of Counseling and Joint 健康 Services, Nicole Newell, share important policies,
3 p.m. 校园安全,岭警和消防部门 – 柴郡球场迎新帐篷
Campus 安全, Rindge Police and Rindge Fire Department discuss important local
3:30- 5:30 p.m. 乌鸦的狂欢节 – 索迪斯领域
开球前,请到索迪斯球场加入你们的乌鸦队. 充气忍者战士
Course, “Monstah” Cookie Truck ice cream sandwiches, photo booth, half-time events,
4 - 6 p.m. 卫冕三届全国冠军男足vs. 巴布森学院
– 索迪斯领域
加入乌鸦国,展现你的皮尔斯骄傲! 前200名到场的乌鸦队成员
一件Raven Nation t恤.
5 - 7 p.m. 晚餐 – 市场咖啡馆,艾米丽弗林特校园中心
7 - 8:30 p.m. 零灰色 – 柴郡球场迎新帐篷
Zero Shades of Gray applies the Collegiate Empowerment best practices of delivering
a high-energy, interactive, engaging, and fun experience that is totally relevant
and hits the biggest points of how to approach sexual assault for first 一年 students.
8:30 p.m. 罗伯特·钱宁 – 柴郡球场迎新帐篷
As seen on TV around the world, renowned hypnotist, mentalist, comedian and speed
painter, 罗伯特·钱宁 brings his unique brand of wit, comedy and entertainment
10:15 – 10:45 a.m. 学术评议会 – 柴郡球场迎新帐篷
教师, staff and administration greet the incoming Class and kick off the new academic
11 a.m. First Year Inquiry (FYI) 满足ings with 教师 and Peer Leaders – 柴郡球场迎新帐篷
满足 your professor and first-一年 advisor to discuss the academic transitions to
12 - 1 p.m. 午餐 – 市场咖啡馆,艾米丽弗林特校园中心
1 - 2 p.m. 学术学院冰淇淋社交
满足 with your fellow students in your major and share some ice cream.
- 〇商学院 残丘大厅
- 文理学院 & 社会科学—— 帕特塞利大厅
- 卫生学院 & 自然科学- Marcucella大厅
- 未申报/仍在探索中 图书馆四楼学生成功中心
3 - 4:45 p.m. 第20届年度纸板船赛 – 彼得森庄园草坪
A tradition since 2004, compete with your peer group to craft a cardboard boat only
使用硬纸板,管道胶带和保鲜膜. 最佳设计,最佳
5 - 6:30 p.m. 晚餐 – 市场咖啡馆,艾米丽弗林特校园中心
8:30 - 10 p.m. Movie Night: Student Engagement hosts a showing of “The Fall Guy” – 彼得森庄园草坪(雨地点- Spagnuolo大厅)
8 a.m. 2024 - 2025学年开始上课
8 - 9 a.m. 进入秋季学期 – 图书馆咖啡厅天井(雨中位置- Spagnuolo大厅中庭)
Start your first day of classes with Michelle Davis, yoga teacher and Reiki II practitioner.
Michelle draws inspiration from the natural world and its power to heal, transform
把人们联系起来. 提供垫子和毛巾.
Sessions continue Thursday, August 28, Tuesday, September 3, and Thursday, September
受欢迎的活动 & 事件
Map | 打印时间表
4 - 6 p.m. 新生庭院的订婚/俱乐部博览会
This is your chance to join or start a club, learn more about student programs, and 与提供流程建议的专业人员会面. 澳门线上真人博彩公司有近40个学生组织 跨校园——参与进来!
2 - 5 p.m. "Rec Fest" Streetball Tourney, Outdoor Basketball Courts across from Northwoods 公寓
找一些朋友,组成一个团队,进行3对3的比赛. 这是本学期的第一次校内活动 冠军. 不玩? 加入澳门线上真人博彩公司作为观众,听现场DJ,并得到一些swag 来自喷枪艺术家. 一定要在订婚/俱乐部博览会上报名!
11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Oozeball Mud Volleyball Tournament, behind Lakeside Education Center
Rototilled to perfection, the mud volleyball awaits your 4v4 team for a best of 3, 单淘汰赛. 给优胜者的校内冠军t恤. 每一个人 鼓励在湖中冲洗后!
11:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. 第52届莫纳德诺克登山大赛
Each 一年, the Franklin Pierce Community comes together to hike our favorite mountain, 山残丘. 交通工具上午11点从彼得森庄园草坪出发.m.
Students should bring close-toed shoes, a day pack, an extra clothing layer (it can 在顶部感到寒冷)和水/零食. 教员、职员和管理人员 会在旅途中陪伴你吗. 今天的目标不一定是达到 summit, so climb as high as you’d like before heading back down to the shuttles. A commemorative 32oz Nalgene bottle provided for all participants!
(603) 899-4383
周一至周五,上午8点.m. - 4:30 p.m.